WE recently bought a membership to the local discovery center
and WOW do they have allot to do. Today Serena got to play scientist and do an experiment.
She got to look at her strands of dna in a test tube. We had her swish water around her mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it into a test tube .next we added a sqiurt of soap and after a minute a squirt of alcohol, then, viola , strand of her dna could be seen floating in the test tube. next time i will get a picture of that. this time I had to let Dad take over so I could take care of Xavier for a bit. They also did a cheek swab and she got to see her cells under a microscope.
We found a whole floor that we didn't know was there.
It was around the wo
neat stuff from different countries. The two we spent the most time at this week were Mexico and Japan. here is a picture of the girls and their Dad dressed in the Mexican dress up clothes.
Oh , there's a baby under there! lol
Xavier enjoyed playing with the pretend food, but i think was a little confused by it, confused and disappointed. If you look at the hat pic you can see his toes sticking out :) I think its cute :)
Now we are in Japan. Iris is pouring tea for us all while serena looks on.
We had a great time :)
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