Sunday, July 5, 2009

The fourth

We enjoyed a pretty good fireworks display thanks to our neighbors across the street. The springfield fireworks were cancelled so I think
they got together as a neighborhood and bought alot of nice fireworks. they even had a finale :)

Daddie grilled some burgers. I recently found out some even more disturbing news about hot dogs so they are off the menu.

But broccoli is on the menu, lol. Xavier is just crazy for broccolil when we are out in the garden I have to watch close or he will just lean over and take a bite out of the plants.

We had a rainy spell and didnt check the garden for a few days and ended up with a huge zuccini.
We are going to grill it, yumm.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Xavier taking a much needed nap during our camping trip. I meant to snap a shot of the background behind our car, there is construction going on.. loudly. I couldn't believe that the baby was sleeping right through it.

Capri suns is the only way I can get all three kids to sit long enough to snap a picture :)


Iris :)

Serena monkeying around.

Our trip was fun. Missed getting pictures of the girls swimming in the lake because we didn't want to risk taking the camera down by the water. But they did swim and had a pretty good time doing it. It was a bit rocky which made getting in and out of the water difficult but we found a place that we will go next time that is more beachy.