Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The girls having a picnic,
Spring is here I hope.
hope its a long one, before the real hot weather comes.

St. Patricks day

The girls making Cookies to celebrate :)
We had an "Irish breakfast" for dinner.
Bacon, fried tomatos and mushrooms, eggs and soda bread. And we also had "champ" wich is potatos and green onions It was pretty good. but I think I am going use it as a base for cheesy broccoli soup.

This is how Xavier occupied himself while we were making cookies, eating all our yummy spring strawberrys :)

Dads Birthday

Serena and Iris making Their Dad a cake, pineapple upsidedown cake as requested.
What a fun cake to make!

The girls made their Dad some cards :)

The cake came out great and he loves it :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

winter blahs

I realized that I haven't posted anything except Iris's birthday in February and that actually happened in January.
The middle of winter isnt that exciting around here I guess. We have been doing lots of school.
Serena is reading and loving it :) Math is fun and I am so glad that she likes it. We started Spanish and that is also neat. We took a Spanish/English dictionary we have and looked up things around the house and labeled them, that is a really good way to learn the names of things. I just had to start doing school with Iris because she was quite unruly if she had nothing to do while I was doing school with Serena, so I have been printing out alphabet books for her to color a different letter everyday and we are going to collect all 26 to read to her as she is learning the letter sounds. When I do math with Serena I give her one of the preschool math readiness sheets froma book that I had lying around and she likes that. We just finished a unit on money and that was fun because I could give her a handful of pennies to count and stack and then They both love to play store, so my house is not only labeled with spanish words many things also have price tags and everything is under $1, lol.
The picture above.....Xavier was turning the tv off and on and the volume up and down while anyone was trying to watch so I had the great idea to put the toy boxes in front of the TV to keep him from being able to reach the buttons worked great for a couple weeks. There he is sitting inside the toybox and soon he will scooch up and turn the tv on or off or the volume up or down.:) We have been having Serena take him far down the hallway everytime he does it hoping that this will serve as some kind of "natural consequence" that would disude him, He is unphased.But sometimes he gets distracted on the way back into the living room which gives us a break for a bit :) Spring is coming and hopefully that willmean more posts.